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The Reason for Our Hope

The Reason for Our Hope

This time of year we find ourselves full of hope: we just experienced the birth of our Savior and celebrated joyfully with our families with rich food, generous gifts and special time. It’s “the most wonderful time of the year” and we try to remember that as we run around searching for the best gift or making that treat someone loves. It truly is an extraordinary season that seems to fill our spiritual cups for the ups and down of the year that will follow.

Sacrificial Witness: Kevin’s story on why the miles matter

Sacrificial Witness: Kevin’s story on why the miles matter

“It was the first time in my life where my body could not do what I was asking it to do…I pray that you find a way to break free from the comforts this world offers and walk the path Christ invites us to walk. I will say this: if your cross lies with Biking for Babies, I know some very joy-filled people that will help you carry it.” Kevin’s reflection on his first year with B4B and Luke 9:23.