What Wouldn’t You Do: a missionary’s reflection
Missionary Amanda reflects on her “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Amanda is a first-year rider missionary from Massachusetts.
Missionary Amanda reflects on her “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Amanda is a first-year rider missionary from Massachusetts.
When the Celebration of Life returns to St. Joseph’s this July 13, grab your favorite noisemaker, and join the masses who are celebrating the goodness of life the best way they know how—through breaking bread, sharing stories, and encouraging each other to go out, with joy in their heart, to share the news that life is good.
Missionary Josh reflects on his “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Josh is a first-year rider missionary from Illinois.
Missionary Max reflects on his “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Max is a first-year rider missionary from Ohio.
Even though our alumni’s time as a National Ride Formation Program missionary may have come to a close, Biking for Babies still offers ways to do great things for God and to experience joy and hope.
By receiving others as Elizabeth does, we can be drawn closer toward God. Just as Mary draws Elizabeth’s hand toward Jesus in the image, so too will she draw us toward Him when we recognize the dignity of others and receive them with love.
Life can be hard, and there are real struggles and suffering that will be faced. However, the gift of life far outweighs any difficulty that we may ever have. No one ever said life will be easy, but it is always worth it.
It is time for the “maybe” generation to say “yes” and mean it. It is what Christ asked of His earliest disciples and it should not shock us that He is asking us the same thing now.
This time of year we find ourselves full of hope: we just experienced the birth of our Savior and celebrated joyfully with our families with rich food, generous gifts and special time. It’s “the most wonderful time of the year” and we try to remember that as we run around searching for the best gift or making that treat someone loves. It truly is an extraordinary season that seems to fill our spiritual cups for the ups and down of the year that will follow.
This Christmas season, I am so grateful for the gift of counselors, medical staff, and volunteers at pregnancy resource centers who help moms find support and resources to answer their immediate “hows.” My heart is filled with joy at the thought of women being able to put aside significant fears and concerns in order to enjoy their pregnancy because of these centers.
Matthew 16:24-25 – “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Biking for Babies proclaims the dignity of human life by uniting cycling with the formation of young adults into missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.
Young adults undergo transformation by encountering Jesus through a lived experience of sacrificing their time and energy on behalf of the culture of life.
These sacrifices deepen their love for God and neighbor. They discover the spiritual truth that “losing their lives” (loving sacrificially) leads to fulfillment and joy.
Concretely, young adults volunteer for a 6-month, extra-curricular formation program where they:
Young adults volunteer for a 6-month, extra-curricular formation program where they: