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Why We Ride

Envisioning a society that embraces the immeasurable worth of every human life.


Most pro-life efforts focus solely on helping pregnant mothers choose life. These efforts are necessary, but they don’t solve the core issue, which is that people in our society have lost sight of God and the value of life. 

By highlighting the good news that every human person has profound dignity, Biking for Babies envisions generations transformed by the Gospel of life.


Current trends in society have produced a generation of self-centered young adults, who distance themselves from God and forget their worth, the meaning of life, and that they belong to one human family. The culture of death has shaped them to believe that abortion is the compassionate response to pregnant mothers in crisis, which ultimately tears families and society apart.

Calling young adults into missionary discipleship will help transform our society into a culture of life. This missionary discipleship has two aspects: growth in holiness and meeting the needs of families facing unplanned pregnancies.


Biking for Babies proclaims the dignity of human life by uniting cycling with the formation of young adults into missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

Young adults undergo transformation by encountering Jesus through a lived experience of sacrificing their time and energy on behalf of the culture of life. These sacrifices deepen their love for God and neighbor. They discover the spiritual truth that loving sacrificially leads to fulfillment and joy.

In 15 years, Biking for Babies has:

See the Joy in Action
Young Adults, Who Completed the National Ride
Pregnancy Centers
To Life-Affirming Work
Miles Across the Nation

to renew a culture of life.

Since 2009, we’ve biked across the country for life. We share our joy in sacrificing for the sake of others, others who we may never meet.
Will you join us?

Who We Are

Our leaders and advisory board guide our vision and keep our mission alive. Learn more about them today!

Who We Serve

We partner with pregnancy resource centers who provide direct care for women and families in need. 

Mike Schaefer and Jimmy Becker, On The Bikes 2009


How Biking for Babies began

Biking for Babies started because two young men were inspired to make the spirit of pro-life work more accessible to others and themselves—trying to experience, in some small measure, the endurance and commitment that is tried upon the young women and families in the face of an unexpected pregnancy.

Jimmy Becker and Mike Schaefer took their bikes to Southern Illinois University Carbondale in March 2009 with the goal to bicycle 600 miles in order to fundraise and raise awareness for the women and family-focused efforts taking place at pregnancy resource centers.

They not only biked those miles, but they raised over $14,000 for a local pregnancy resource center.

Biking for Babies has been blessed with a steadily increasing stream of young people who have been inspired to express their own personal desire to make the “endurance and commitment” required of pro-life work real to themselves and others.

Each of the college students and young adults that have participated since 2009 have built friendships with each other, despite hardship along the way, and with those we have been honored and blessed to meet during our travels.

These rider and support crew missionaries move on from the National Ride inspired and ready to impact their local communities.

Biking for Babies began a national journey in 2010, when the teams first rode from New Orleans, LA to Champaign, IL. Riding over 1,000 miles in 8 days, the riders and support crew of the early days of the ride were fearless as they accomplished their daily rides, the longest of which was 230 miles! 

Our National Ride has transformed over the years, including routes from Florida, Texas and Louisiana to Chicago. And in 2017, we solidified our vision to cover the nation in prayer as we biked Christ’s cross into St Louis, the heart of America. With our yellow jerseys and painted support vehicles, people stop us to ask “What are you doing?” It is these encounters that invite others into the mission and move hearts to support life.

In 2018, we hired our Executive Director and first full time employee, Nikki Biese, who is committed to spreading the Biking for Babies mission. This decision took Biking for Babies to new levels of missionary formation, fundraising and pregnancy resource center support. Nikki, along with the Board and Executive Team, envision, in the near future, many National Rides happening across the country throughout the year, where millions ride to witness to the beauty of life.

The history of Biking for Babies is not best understood in miles bicycled or money fundraised, but, rather is part of the penetrating story of pro-life work that is alive and growing stronger—in our families, churches, communities, and in our own hearts.

Even as our mission grows, we recognize that our work is far from over. Now, more than ever, each of us is needed to put our prayers into action and make a difference. Join us, we’re just getting started.  

1 Corinthians 16:13 – Be alert, steadfast in faith, be courageous, be strong, and let all that you do, be done in love.

Our Vision

Our vision is a society that embraces the immeasurable worth of every human life from conception to natural death.

Our Mission

Biking for Babies proclaims the dignity of human life by uniting cycling with the formation of young adults into missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our History

Biking for Babies started because two young men were inspired to make the spirit of pro-life work more accessible to others and themselves.