When an organization which runs primarily on donations tells you that their greatest need is “more daily and faithful intercession for our doctors and staff,” you know they are doing something right.
This year, Biking for Babies partnered with The Morning Center in Memphis, TN for the first time. I was partnered up with the organization and reached out to Korey, one of their staff members.
Like most pregnancy resource centers, The Morning Center strives “to provide high quality maternity care to underserved women.” But then Korey kept talking about that idea, about providing the same level care that a normal suburban mom would receive if she went to a medical clinic, and I was hooked.
His voice radiated with love as he told me about the clients TMC serves: “all underserved women, which in Memphis includes abortion at-risk, refuges, Hispanic, and Muslim women.” Korey told me that The Morning Center operates out of local churches and Section 8 housing, putting the resources in direct contact with those they serve.
This closeness with the community has been one of the best things for the organization and for the women who seek help. While a mobile care unit is definitely part of the vision, being in churches and apartments in the target neighborhoods is the more worthwhile focus.
Korey told me that one of TMC’s main goals is providing spiritual scaffolding so that the women get plugged into a local church and receive love and care from their own spiritual community. Furthermore, all of the doctors minister to the women, and the staff follow up with patients throughout the pregnancy and up to a year after delivery.
The Morning Center has a ministry coordinator named Vicky who meets with and trains counselor one on one on how to love women who are broken in ways different than themselves. “Often these women test positive for all kinds of drugs and more,” Korey said. “Counselors must be prepared for that and know how to engage.”
Beyond all of this, TMC provides completely free (no insurance collected) medical services by trained medical professionals, including OB-GYNs, nurse practitioners, and RNs that provide maternity care.
“Practically, we are looking for a full-time, Christian OB-GYN who wants to move to Memphis,” he said. Current OBs volunteer twice a week, and a nurse practitioner volunteers on the other days.
The message of hope coming from Korey and The Morning Center is so beautiful in a large city that likely needs many of these physical resources, emotional support, and most importantly, spiritual encouragement. “[God] has provided for The Morning Center, and leads us to believe this is where we are supposed to be.”
I am so grateful to have met Korey and learned about the beautiful and life-saving work in Memphis. Please keep the clients, staff, and volunteers of The Morning Center in your prayers. If you would like to volunteer or ask questions about their organization, contact Korey at http://morningcenter.org/. If you would like to donate to The Morning Center and other pregnancy resource centers like TMC so that they can continue their lifesaving work, visit www.www.bikingforbabies.com/give.