Pregnancy Center Partnership Applications Close Feb 2
Learn more about how your pregnancy resource center can partner with Biking for Babies.
Learn more about how your pregnancy resource center can partner with Biking for Babies.
SEEK25 filled our spiritual gas tank, but do you know what you’ll do when your fuel levels get low? Aubrie has a suggestion!
In preparing for following Jesus in 2025, here are 5 Scripture verses to guide your discernment and growth.
Applications for pregnancy resource centers for 2025 partnership are open from November 1, 2024 to February 2, 2025.
Biking for Babies is a family that will ask you to sacrifice, to put others first, and to commit to daily conversions to Christ’s invitation to follow His footsteps to the cross. You’re welcome here, in this family.
God doesn’t intend for us to face suffering alone- apart from Him and apart from community. In fact, we are called to share in suffering together, and help each other carry our crosses.
Though our society focuses so much energy on buying, your philanthropy to Biking for Babies shows that giving is important to you, and that renewing the culture of life is a victory worth fighting for.
This mission gives young adults an active role in renewing the culture of life, especially through their partnerships with pregnancy resource centers. Give today, and change tomorrow.
When considered in relationship with others, virtue becomes less of a personal badge of honor and more of a beautiful gift to share with our community.
this mission gives young adults an active role in renewing the culture of life, especially through their partnerships with pregnancy resource centers. Would you consider making a donation–or another donation–as part of your end-of-year philanthropy?
In this first period of formation, the young adults:
With eyes now opened to the need and Christ-centered solutions of problems, these young adults are sent forth as “missionaries” into the rest of the formation program and into the rest of their lives, committing to live with the truth of the Gospel of life as the lens through which they see every relationship, every decision, and the world at large.
In this second period of formation, the missionaries
In this last period of formation, after the National Ride, missionaries