We are excited to share with you the success of our 2015 ride and the changes Biking For Babies is making for 2016. Thank you for your support and love for life. Please continue to keep Biking for Babies in your prayers.
2015 Financial Review
Praise God for all of the financial donations we received last year! 92% of our donations went directly to our 23 pregnancy resource center partners. That means the B4B Family gave $63,498.93 to women, children, men, and families in need. We are overwhelmed by your generosity!
The 2016 Biking for Babies Leadership Team
Since its foundation in 2009, Biking for Babies has seen substantial growth. A group that started with a handful of people has expanded to include over 50 young adults. We have responded to this growth in a variety of ways this year.
- We established the B4B leadership team.
- We have started exploring ways to deepening the relationships with the PRCs and the families they serve.
- We have expanded our virtual reach and connected with complimentary organizations united in His mission.
PRC Partnerships
As an organization, we are constantly seeking to improve on our processes and methods of communicating. A major focus for 2016 is to improve our personal relationship with the Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs). This year, each rider and/or support crewmember will be responsible for establishing a relationship with a local PRC. This gives each team member the opportunity to learn about the services and needs of the center, and also presents an opportunity to intentionally get connected and more intimately involved in the local efforts.
We recognize that the heart of our mission is to establish relationships rooted in Christ. And, we hope that as we learn more about the unique identity of each center, we will be able to proclaim the universally shared mission as we trail the Mississippi.
Expanding our Reach
Several years ago, we set out with an ambitious goal to have a representative rider or support crewmember connected with a local center in every state. Our goal was to cover the full landscape of the continental United States. God-willing, as our team grows, so will the number of PRCs we are able to serve. In order for this to work, we recognize our limitations and His unlimited strength.
In addition to improving the relationships with the PRCs, we have made a conscious effort to virtually expand our reach and to invite complimentary organizations to partner with us, including: Fellowship of Catholic University Students & their Love-Life Campaign, Sisters of Life, Knights of Columbus, and the USCCB. Please pray for us as we work to establish and strengthen these ties with the goal to build His Kingdom.
If there are other national organizations that you believe would compliment our efforts and help us grow, please contact us and we’ll be happy to reach out and establish a relationship.
As always, thank you for your prayers, generosity and self-sacrificial love. In this Year of Mercy, may we learn to love more and continue to give as He did and continues to do.