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At the Foot of the Cross

posted 2/3/2025

Mary, one of our 2024 missionaries, went to the 2025 March for Life in Washington, DC on January 24. Read her beautiful reflection on the ministry of self-gift and presence.

This year, I was able to go on the March for Life with Marquette Academy High School, where I work as an English teacher. It was especially meaningful because this has always been something I’ve wanted to do, and my new role at the school made it possible.

We were fortunate to be able to go with Peoria Notre Dame High School and join their mini-retreat the morning of the march at St. Stephen Martyr’s Catholic Church–the same church JFK went to!

We were met with such hospitality from the pastor of the church, the staff who made our lunch, as well as the staff and students at Peoria Notre Dame High School. It reminded me of the selfless hospitality we met along the way to St. Louis during The National Ride.

It was beautiful to hear some testimonies and remind the students that being pro-life goes beyond the issue of abortion. It reflects the truth that, because we are made in the image of God, every person has inherent dignity. This shapes how we interact with others and even how we view ourselves.

Another cool thing about going with Peoria Notre Dame was that Fr. McShane and Hannah Cottingham were with their group, so we had a mini Biking for Babies reunion!

I found it funny how despite all the planning and anticipation, the March itself felt, in many ways, unremarkable. We simply walked from the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building. We did not lose any kids. We did not get yelled at. It was very peaceful.

It was amazing to see the amount of people present and the different ways people showed up. There were priests and religious from various religions, high school groups with coordinating colors, families, and even locals cheering for the march along the side of the road. Some people were chanting with signs, others were saying the rosary, some were shouting in megaphones, and others walked in silence.

This summer, I learned how a 600-mile bike ride can work to change the culture of life, but something I’d been reflecting on in the weeks leading up to the march is that sometimes just being present is enough for God.

Sometimes God calls us to be present to something, and nothing more. This idea is especially true in prayer, but I think it applies to so many other parts of life.

Sometimes just being there for a friend can mean more than giving advice or trying to fix their problem. Sometimes God calls us to simply show up and stand with those who can’t, like at the March for Life.

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked for Peter, James, and John to stay awake and keep watch. This is a task that may seem unremarkable, but Jesus was troubled, and their presence was enough for him.

While the disciples faltered in this task, it is comforting to know that sometimes all Jesus asks for us in prayer, or in the March for Life, is to be present and be awake.

Similarly, Mary gave the ultimate example of following God’s Will with her presence standing at the foot of the cross. She did not try to stop what was happening or fall to the ground. She simply stood there. This is remarkable.

In St. Dominic’s Church, where we went for Eucharistic adoration on the night of the March, their crucifix included both Mary and John at the foot of the cross. It was special to see after reflecting on that image in the weeks leading up to the march.

Like Mary at the cross, sometimes the best response to God’s call is simply to be there in the moment. 

We are proud Mary’s a Biking for Babies missionary, for life!

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