I was on a phone call with a pregnancy resource center interested in becoming involved with our organization. We were discussing this year’s ride when she asked me where Biking for Babies is located. “We are located everywhere,” I replied. I went on to tell her how our leadership team meets via Skype because we live in Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. No two us of are located in the same place, yet we come together.
One of our goals as an organization is to connect PRCs to each other, both near and far. Imagine a network of support and teamwork among all PRCs across America. We want our PRCs to act as resources to each other, just as they are vital resources to many women and families they serve. The phone call I mentioned earlier is a perfect example of connection. This PRC had been encouraged to apply for our financial support by their neighboring PRC. Biking for Babies applauds networking like this and hopes to create new connections for all PRCs as we continue to develop.
Just as our leadership team, riders, and support crew teammates come together from all over the United States to ride out our mission, so too do we want our PRCs to work in partnership to succeed in our ultimate mission of conquering abortion everywhere.
Pregnancy resource centers seeking financial partnership for the 2016 ride must apply by March 1. PRC guidelines are listed on the website; it is encouraged for PRCs to already have a participating rider or support crew member.