Executive Director

There have been 3 times in my life where I have given my “full yes” to God. I’ve said yes plenty of other times, however, it was during these 3 split-second moments where I didn’t have to mull it over or calculate every possibility about the outcome.
My first yes was when I joined the Catholic Church as a senior in high school. I was overwhelmed by the joy and love that filled that community and I wanted to be a part of it as soon as I could. My second yes was when I told my now husband that I would marry him when he proposed in my junior year of college. We had been together for 5 years at that point and it was a full yes moment!
My third yes was July of 2018 when standing in our kitchen, that same husband looked at me and said, “What if you become the Executive Director for Biking for Babies?” And I said, “I would do that in a second.” Biking for Babies has been a part of our lives since 2011, which is when I heard about it at a church event in college. Now, it was me who signed Kevin up for that first ride, because he was a biker and I had faith that he could do it.
Although he was more of a commuter biker at that time, Kevin went that year and his life was changed. I had a chance to participate in the ride in the years that followed and experienced the beauty and blessing that Pregnancy Resource Centers are to those who need to know that they are loved and supported in such a tough time. Our experience with PRCs didn’t stop with the ride but continued after we got married when our “open-to-life, but not ready to have children now” plan quickly revealed that God has plans of His own. We found ourselves pregnant with our first baby only a few months after our wedding day. We feared what was to come, nervous about the change in plans, and excited all at the same time.
So, Kevin and I trusted what we knew and visited a PRC. I got to feel what unexpecting women feel as they walk into these centers. We took a pregnancy test, which officially confirmed the future. The entire process was filled with respect, love, information, and active discussion with all parties. The only thing that was different in my situation versus the many others who visit these centers was the fact that I had outside support during my unexpected situation. Others are not so fortunate, but in fact, have family members narrowing their options and not approaching the situation with love. This experience fully cemented in our minds that Biking for Babies is not just a summer ride but exists to provide the support these centers need to lift up women and their babies.
It was after much prayer and discernment that I took up this role as Executive Director. God has a funny sense of humor when he had Kevin sign me up the way that I signed him up. Since 2009, Biking for Babies has succeeded in raising awareness for 127 PRCs and raising over $1,614,000 million to support life.
Every life is a precious gift to be protected. We believe in a world that responds to crisis with faith, hope and love. My invitation to you is to fulfill God’s commission to build His Kingdom and protect the least of us. I am committed to the vision of a Culture of Life. Will you join me?
You can contact Nikki at nikki.biese@bikingforbabies.com.