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Redemptively Giving

written 8/27/2024

Biking for Babies Nation,
You know that suffering has value and meaning when offered to God. We offer the thousands of miles we bike, and the suffering that comes with those miles, for the women and children who need our prayers and support.
This past July, these miles were a feat, as numerous obstacles stood in our way; torrential hurricane rains, crashes resulting in injuries that sidelined riders, muscle fatigue and downright exhaustion after riding through the mountains, and the list goes on.
But we know this offering is redemptive and that God blesses our sufferings, for the sake of mothers, their unborn children and the larger cultural renewal we seek.
You know that the donations matter, too, because we raise funds both to give young adults opportunities for transformation and to help pregnancy centers and maternity homes offer their services to mothers in unplanned pregnancies.
Mom Toni, our pregnancy resource center advocate for the 2024 Celebration of Life in Arlington, VA

This money goes to save and change lives, helping women choose life for their children as they are provided vital baby supplies, services, rent assistance, parenting classes, counseling, and much more.

That being said, thank you for your tremendous support so far in 2024!
Reaching our annual goal of giving $400,000 to pregnancy centers will mean that you and Biking for Babies will have given over $2,000,000 (ahem, that’s 2 million dollars!) to help pregnant moms since these efforts began 15 years ago.
Will you help us get there? Your donation matters.
You can give in honor of a mother who inspires you, in memory of a beloved disciple of Christ, or join the Century Givers who offer $100/month paralleling the missionaries’ 100-mile rides on the National Ride.
There are multiple giving options, including stock and planned giving as well.
If you have any questions, contact Nikki Biese, Executive Director, at, or Chris Massaro, Director of Mission Advancement, at
Give a Transformational Gift

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