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Truth: You Can Achieve your Dreams and Have a Family”

by Hannah Cottingham, 2021 missionary (Support Crew on Northern Route)

What does it mean to BE pro-life? What are you doing with your life that makes you pro-life? Surely, it is more than just saying “I’m pro-life” and maybe giving some vague reasons while really hoping no one presses me much further, because the idea of debating it makes my palms sweat! I felt the Lord asking me these questions, and I knew I needed to find the answers. I needed to DO something that was pro-life and learn to be confident in that. But, what I really had to do was figure out my why. 

Finding something to do that is pro-life was the easy part, but answering WHY I am pro-life? That was more difficult. It isn’t just because someone convinced me or told me I should be. This is something that I have always believed, but why? This led me to think more about my own experiences being a mother of two young kids. 

I have always had the support I needed to flourish as a mother and in my chosen career as a teacher as well. I’ve never felt like I needed to sacrifice one thing to do the other. But, how many women choose abortion because they feel like they cannot achieve their dreams and be mothers at the same time?

It is heartbreaking to me that women are told lies that they cannot do both. But, pregnancy resource centers provide the material, spiritual, and emotional support so women CAN do both. They work through each of the reasons women think they can’t do both to show women that they can still achieve what they want out of life.  

Biking for Babies is also highly personal to me, because it is a week away from my own children to show them just how important this cause is to me. I want this to be an example to them of just how important it is to stand up for and do something for the pro-life movement. They are young now, but in later years I want them to see how important it is to do everything they can to make a positive change. 

Through Biking for Babies, I have been welcomed with open arms to this huge network of like minded current and former missionaries. They have encouraged me to learn more about pregnancy resource centers and the incredible work they do. Because of that, I have been introduced to ways in my local community to “Be Not Afraid” to BE BOLDY PRO-LIFE! 

Most importantly, I know why I am pro-life. Women are lied to about what it means to be a mother. Yes, it is a hard self-sacrificial choice, but it is not a “lesser” choice or a choice that means giving up everything you thought your life would be. It means more love, more joy, and motivation to show your children that they can make a difference in the world.