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SouthWest Options for Women: serving families, multiple generations at a time

Dirk-Meyer-SmallSouthWest Options for Women is one of our pregnancy resource center partners this year, and they are partnered with Dirk, a first-year rider on the Eastern route! Biking for Babies finds it very important to show you firsthand what life-saving work is happening in PRCs due to your financial gifts and prayers. Dirk reached out to their executive director about what’s been happening in their clinic, and she shared the following story with us. (names have been changed to protect identity)


Nine years ago a woman named Meghan came to our center looking for help. She was pregnant and leaving an abusive relationship. Meghan thought having an abortion would help to sever all ties to her violent ex-fiancé. She feared having his child would give him another reason to control and manipulate her life. She was also concerned for her ten-year-old daughter, Brittany.

Meghan and Brittany were living with friends and moved frequently to avoid her ex-fiancé. Meghan left a good paying job to protect her family and had to change her daughter’s school. With all the stress in her life, she was overwhelmed. Friends and family told her she was crazy to consider continuing her pregnancy. Though most people showed little sympathy, Meghan felt a bit of wonder and excitement about the child growing inside her.


Meghan spoke with an Advocate at SWOW about her options. She finally agreed to have an ultrasound before she made her final decision. Meghan said she had always considered herself pro-life, but felt her belief was being tested. Meghan had an ultrasound at one of our affiliates and when she saw her child, she immediately chose life. Meghan underwent many trials during her pregnancy. She questioned her choice, but she said God gave her the courage and strength to press on. With the help of SouthWest Options for Women, Meghan found a home, security, and support.

We often lose contact with clients as they become more self-sufficient. This was the case with Meghan. We did not see Meghan for several years, then one day she walked back into our lives. The Advocate remembered her right away. They exchanged laughter and hugs. They discussed Meghan’s life and her eight year old son. Meghan gushed with joy as she spoke of her children. She shared pictures and recounted her life over the past nine years. Meghan told the Advocate how thankful she was for the gift of her son. She gave credit to God and said He had been good and faithful in helping her family survive over the years.

Then the conversation turned serious as Meghan described her daughter Brittany’s situation. Brittany was now nineteen and living at home. Brittany told her mother she was pregnant and had scheduled an abortion, but Meghan begged her to come to SWOW to discuss all her options first. Meghan was concerned that Brittany wouldn’t receive all the facts about the baby’s development unless she spoke to an Advocate at SWOW. Meghan said it wasn’t going to be easy to talk with Brittany because she was sitting in the car and wouldn’t budge. We all said a quick prayer and hoped Brittany would soften her heart and reconsider. Finally, Brittany walked into the center and sat down with an Advocate.

After a heartfelt discussion of all her options, Brittany made a decision to cancel her abortion, but asked if the Advocate would speak with her boyfriend Jeremiah the next day. Jeremiah was a quiet young man, but showed genuine concern for the situation. He expressed many uncertainties about being a father. Jeremiah explained he had issues from his childhood. He feared he would repeat the same mistakes his father made. The Advocate was impressed by his thoughtfulness and desire to be a better man.

SWOW has curriculum for fathers and encourages them to participate in all aspects of the pregnancy. Brittany was now seeing a different side of her boyfriend. She had been angry because he wasn’t giving her the emotional support she needed. She felt he didn’t care about her or the baby.  She now realized she had misinterpreted his feelings. She assumed he only cared about himself, so she made an impulsively decision to schedule an abortion. Brittany said she had been angry and just wanted to lash out. She admitted her anger usually got her into trouble.

After the couple shared the truth that was in their hearts, their relationship improved. Jeremiah is now very active with the pregnancy. He accompanies Brittany to nearly all the SWOW parenting lessons and doctor appointments. He is grateful for the education and assistance our center has provided for his family. Brittany and Jeremiah are enthusiastic students. They plan to earn a crib, car seat, stroller, and other essential baby items through our parenting education program.

Meghan is looking forward to becoming a grandmother. She understands the hardships and struggles that lie ahead for Brittany and Jeremiah. She is committed to helping the young couple navigate parenting issues and their future life together. She spoke with our Advocates this past week and thanked them for offering real help and real choices to women and their families. Meghan said she was grateful for finding our center again and relieved that we still stood firm on advocating for life and positive alternatives to abortion.

  Brittany, Jeremiah, Meghan, and their children want to thank our donors for their faithful and generous support. Our donors are helping to save generations and making their futures brighter. SouthWest Options for Women desires to be that city on a hill—a beacon of hope and light to those who have lost their way. 



So how can you help?

Are you in the Hopkins, MN, area? Contact SWOW at or through their Facebook page to volunteer, train to be a life coach, or donate goods to their earn-as-you-learn program. You can also support all of our centers with amazing stories like SWOW by donating at our Giving Page.

Biking for Babies is in an amazing position to change the lives of thousands of families and women, and we most certainly cannot do it without your support. Share our message on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Support Dirk in his mission to raise $2,500 by visiting his missionary page.

Thank you for being a blessing!