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Rise & Climb Podcast Interview

Looking for ways to connect with your teen? Looking for stories of hardship, hope, and healing? Do you learn best through stories that you can apply to your life? In the Rise & Climb podcast, host Anna Brayton and guests will share stories of hope, healing, and hardships to help you and your family overcome your current obstacles! Join me as we learn how to Rise and Climb to the challenges we face in life! 

While it may seem that someone in NIkki’s position may have grown up in a pro-life family and was always looking for a bigger call, this isn’t the case. Nikki’s faith and position on this topic didn’t begin until college and even as the main bread winner for the family, never envisioned herself walking away from a successful career to be a missionary, where she raises her own salary to support life for others.

Perhaps you find yourself settled on your thoughts and feelings towards the pro-life/pro-choice topic or maybe your open to new ideas, stories, and ways to be involved? Either way, I invite you in on this interview to learn about an incredibly unique way to support women, babies, and families right in your community!

View the full interview here. Total time: 44:20.