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Why We Do What We Do

Did you know that nearly 22% of pregnancies end in abortion? That’s not to say these precious lives two-women-holding-handsended from natural means to death. It means 1 in 4 babies are murdered. That’s not all; half of the women who seek abortion have already had at least one previous abortion. This is troubling to many in our pro-life generation. To take innocent life on not just one, but multiple accounts tells me that something is very wrong in the way so many people think. (Guttmacher Institute)

I always find truth in the words of our blessed Saint Teresa spoke many years ago at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. She explains how abortion leads to more abortion and asks,

“How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love, and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts…the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child.”

This ‘persuasion’ Mother Teresa speaks about means that there are options. It means that women have a choice.

Biking for Babies combats abortion by spreading awareness of a choice all women have, regardless of her situation, and that choice is life over death for her baby. The pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) we support help bring light to this option and share it to scared women and families who feel as though they have run out of options. Our mission is to support these PRCs financially and to tell the nation of their existence, because if at the end of the day, if we reach just one individual who needs guidance — if we have helped only one person walk through the doors of their local PRC — we know that God is working to save another life. And we know this because our friends who work and volunteer at these PRCs live and breathe to instill the love, mercy and hope of Christ into every heart.

With this, I ask you to stand with us in defending life. One HUGE way you can do this is by connecting your local PRC to us. We at Biking for Babies grow our partnerships with PRCs each year and need your help to spread our mission across America! Please direct any interested PRCs to our application here. All applications are due April 1st.