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The Truth Behind Preparation

Biking for Babies is a month away from kicking off its 9th annual national ride as an organization. I personally am preparing for my 7th Biking for Babies ride and this time of year always has me asking an honest question: am I ready?

I can tell you that after 7 years, I still never feel completely prepared. Preparing for Biking for Babies is a funny thing; in fact, most of life’s big moments come with preparation that often time feels inadequate. Becoming a parent is another example that I can sympathize with. You can have the perfect house, job, work-life balance, etc. and a child will still change your life in ways you could have never imagined. Graduating high school/college, getting married, and having kids are just a few examples I can think of where we usually undergo extreme preparation.

We know that preparation is a good thing: look in the Bible! Isaiah prophecies John the Baptist’s preparation for the coming of Christ. But just like all good things, the Devil finds a way to twist the truth and tell us the same thing he’s been telling us since the beginning: you aren’t good enough.

How many of us find anxiety, weariness, jadedness, and apathy during preparation of anything? And worst of all, how many times do we feel, “not ready” for the next big step in our lives. And some of us feel so unprepared that we give up or postpone our endeavors indefinitely. I’ve already stated it: I myself have fallen into this trap.

But it is exactly that, a trap.

Going back to John the Baptist as an example. I would argue, he did the best job he could preparing the people of Jerusalem for Jesus’s coming, and guess what? It still wasn’t perfect. In Matthew, we hear that people are still confused about who Jesus is! He asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13) And their reply to him his many titles (even John the Baptist!).

So, was John the Baptist’s preparation in vain? No, although all his preaching and preparation probably couldn’t have prepared him for what he experienced when he baptized Christ in the Jordan and Christ’s glory was revealed to many. Maybe John didn’t feel totally satisfied with all of his efforts, but how could he feel completely ready and satisfied for the coming of Christ!? I imagine he felt like a parent watching his kid walk for the first time…times 1,000!

I’m glad John the Baptist didn’t listen to those lies. I’m glad many bikers haven’t listened to the lie that they are not ready either. Because the reality is, we can never be perfectly ready. Sorry to break it to you.

All big moments in life require trust; trust in those around you and, most importantly, trust in Christ and his plan. Without it, I would never feel at peace getting on a bike, I would never feel at peace holding either of my children; without it, I would be paralyzed.

Our leadership team discussed this topic a few weeks ago. How we all were so busy and anxious about the ride and other things in our lives (jobs, houses, kids, you name it…we’ve been there). And a verse was mentioned that I want to pass on:

“look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour of your life?” (Matthew 6:25-27)   

You can join us in our final preparation efforts:

  • pray for our safety on the ride
  • pray for the women and men receiving support from the PRCs we support
  • contribute financially if you are able so that we can finally end the Culture of Death
  • RSVP to our Celebration of Life on July 15 in St. Louis (visit our last newsletter containing the RSVP)
  • volunteer with your local PRC
  • spread our message on social media or to friends and family (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
  1. Well said, my son with whom I am well pleased!!!!

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