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Relying on His Strength: a missionary story

posted 1/13/2025

This story is a part of a series of missionary contributions where you’ll hear more about their “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Olivia is a first-year rider missionary from Idaho who rode with the North Carolina Team in 2024. 

Give me a quick biography: who is Olivia Wieber?

OW: I come from a family of seven kids and grew up going to Saint Mary’s Church in Boise, Idaho. I’m going into my second year of college at Boise State University studying nursing. I’ve had lots of little jobs doing yardwork, babysitting, house sitting, dog sitting, nannying, custodial work, and tutoring. I love to work with my hands and to serve and care for others. Over the past two years, I’ve become involved at the Catholic Center on campus getting to encounter the Lord’s love in new ways through Adoration, Mass, Bible study, and learning to share the love and joy of Christ with others.

In your application, you said you joined Biking for Babies because “you love biking, adventure, and helping those in need.” Can you explain a little more: what initially drew you to Biking for Babies, and what were reasons you stuck it out anytime things got tough this year?

OW: Leading up to when I first heard of Biking for Babies, God had been bringing many desires in me back to life, especially my desire for adventure and to be challenged. The Lord had also been revealing certain places in my heart where I needed redemption, especially around my experiences with sports and athletics. 

When things got tough, I turned to prayer and asked God for the grace to rely on his strength rather than mine. (The Lord invited me back into dark places with) Lots of fears [that kept] coming up that I had felt during difficult experiences in my past, but this time, I could see how God was with me and drawing me closer to himself. He also opened my eyes to see beyond myself, to unite my suffering to the Cross, and to offer it up for the women and children experiencing similar struggles and fears, so that they might know that they are not alone and that Christ is fighting for them even when no one else is. 

What qualities or personal missions/charisms within yourself are enhanced or grown because of your formation with Biking for Babies?  

OW: The Lord has taught me to recognize and own the gifts he has given. He has given me strength, and he intends for me to use it. He has given me a child-like wonder and joy through which the Holy Spirit teaches others to play and to trust again. He has given me boldness and courage so that others may be encouraged to respond to Christ’s call. He has given me a warm and radiant smile through which the Father delights in his children. He has given me vulnerability so that others may know that they are safe to open up their wounds to receive Christ’s healing. He has given me a voice and taught me to be the voice for the voiceless. 

Your team was super tight this year. What was your favorite memory or experience from the formation program this year? What was your favorite part of being a rider?

OW: One of my favorite moments was when the whole team was together for the first time. We had all been training, sacrificing, and preparing since March, but up until this point we had not yet met each other. It was such a joy to finally sit in the same room as my teammates and to look around and meet each of their gazes. I was filled with wonder and delight at seeing Jesus present in each one of them and considering all the little ways the Lord had led each of us to end up in the same place at the same time. 

You were partnered with a pregnancy center close to home. What was the impact of that pregnancy resource center partnership on your time with Biking for Babies and your spiritual life, both during formation and now since then? 

OW: My pregnancy resource center partnership helped keep me grounded throughout my training. It gave me tangible reminders of what I was doing and who I was doing it for. Seeing the services my pregnancy resource center provides helped me to share the mission with others by showing people the real needs of the women whom they serve. It was also encouraging to hear stories of people who have received supplies and support from my pregnancy resource center to remind me why I’m fundraising and where the money is going. 

If you could give someone considering joining Biking for Babies encouragement for doing so, what would you tell them? 

OW: I would tell them to talk to Jesus about it. If this is where the Lord is calling you, say yes. Don’t worry about the details, and don’t get caught up in how intimidating or impossible it may seem right now. All he asks is for you to follow him and trust that he will provide in abundance. The Lord is inviting each of us into adventure and redemption. Even if it’s not with Biking for Babies, keep saying yes to the Lord. He will take care of everything. [discernment resources here]

Olivia’s willingness to respond to the Lord’s call and lean on His strength is an inspiring example for all missionaries.

That’s why we are proud she’s a Biking for Babies missionary, for life!

You can find similar impact stories throughout our blog.

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