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Formed as A Disciple: a missionary story

posted 12/9/2024

This story is a part of a series of missionary contributions where you’ll hear more about their “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Barbara (Babs) Sandlin, originally from Alabama, rode through her home state this year on our inaugural Alabama Team ride! This was her fourth year as a missionary, and she served as a team leader this year. 

Give me a quick biography: who is Barbara Sandlin?

BS: I am a woman who does her best to love the Lord and follow Him with my whole heart! Life with Christ is truly the greatest adventure, and I’ve done my best to joyfully serve. I’m 30 years old, and I’ve worked as a nurse for seven years. Nursing can be very difficult but a huge blessing at the same time. I am constantly challenged to see Christ in my patients and coworkers, and that isn’t always easy, but my nursing career has shaped me into the person God is calling me to be. I found with full time night-shift nursing, it’s hard to get involved in a lot of regular Church happenings, but I’ve made an effort to be active in a women’s small group and, of course, Biking for Babies!

You have been here with Biking for Babies for many years! Thinking back, what initially drew you to Biking for Babies, and what has kept you coming back?

BS: What initially drew me was that I’ve felt a passion for the pro-life movement for a long time, and being involved with pregnancy resource centers actually helped me discover I wanted to be a labor & delivery nurse! I also felt drawn by the community and having a mission that I could do more “on my own time” and was flexible with my night-shift nursing schedule. What’s kept me coming back is the people involved and just the truth, beauty and goodness of this mission!!!

What qualities or personal missions/charisms within yourself are enhanced or grown because of your formation with Biking for Babies?   

BS: Biking for Babies has formed me as a disciple of Jesus in so many ways! I’ve felt challenged by having a strong faith-based community, and it’s definitely helped strengthen my prayer life and just overall virtue and discipline. It takes a lot of self control to make all that training happen and the logistics of being a support crew/team leader! For me personally, I’ve also seen my leadership improve, having to make tough decisions for the team as a team leader.

What was your favorite memory or experience from formation this year? What was your favorite part of being on support crew? 

BS: My favorite part of formation was probably the lectio divina prayer we did at our team meetings and during the ride. The Lord really helped us to process how our lives and scripture can come together. Our discussions were very fruitful and definitely inspired my prayer life. My favorite part of being on support crew is seeing the joy of the riders when I’m cheering them on (or saying it’s lunch time!!).

We’ve talked some about your work experience. How does your formation in the Gospel of Life impact your vocation as a nurse, and how do you think that impact would translate to people in different fields? 

BS: I think the Gospel of Life is at the foundation of why I’m a nurse: every life is valuable, every time. We will never meet someone who God does not love. And as a nurse, I aspire to make every patient feel the value of their life and know they are loved. Healthcare can be an exhausting career, and I’ve definitely had my share of burnout. But, ultimately, nursing gives me the chance to choose life by loving my patients and coworkers well. I think that translates to people in other fields because a lot of us work with people (some more than others for sure!) — but to strive to love our coworkers even when it’s difficult and to see the dignity and value of every person is the Gospel of Life!

Especially this year, as you’re planning a wedding, you probably didn’t have a lot of spare time to offer, but made Biking for Babies (and being a Team Leader!) a priority in your life. What advice would you share with someone in your state of life—young working woman, preparing for the next place God is calling you, about joining Biking for Babies?

BS: I think looking back it was truly a God thing – He PROVIDES when He wills for you to do something! To be honest, I definitely could not have been a rider this year (all the hours of biking are awesome but wedding planning feels like a full time job!). The support crew option made being a missionary possible. My advice is to first and foremost pray about if the Lord is actually calling you to be a missionary. If that answer is yes, trust God and let your yes mean yes! I spent time in adoration and with scripture to make my decision of being a missionary, and I’ve not once doubted it was the right decision because of that. I also discussed the decision with my fiancé and having him as my support crew helped a lot! [discernment resources here]

Will you answer one more? Because of your longevity with the organization, what qualities/characteristics do you think are present in the missionaries that seem to fit well with Biking for Babies? 

BS: I think one of the main qualities is an “all in” attitude. Of course, there are boundaries and things happen in life that are a higher priority than Biking for Babies, but the missionaries I’ve seen grow a lot and really enjoy the mission are willing to really make the sacrifices necessary to prepare, fundraise, and dive deeply into their relationship with God. Humility and a little silliness are good ones too!

Babs’ desire to follow the Lord and serve Him with her whole heart is a beautiful example for all missionaries.

That’s why we are proud she’s a Biking for Babies missionary, for life!

You can find similar impact stories throughout our blog.

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