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Pregnancy Resource Center Spotlight: Her Choice, Birmingham AL

13015501_1155764151130098_5066227683755037982_nHer Choice Birmingham

Nestled into the business of downtown Birmingham lies a beautiful treasure for women seeking assistance during an unplanned pregnancy. Her Choice meets the needs of everyone who walks into their door, including a person who was not actually seeking pregnancy care at all. When I met Jim and Joy Pinto to give them a donation check from Biking for Babies, they welcomed me into their facility and shared their passion for the work that they did at Her Choice. And I’m not going to lie: I haven’t been that captivated by someone speaking to me about what they are passionate about for some time.

Why Her Choice?

Jim and Joy, co-hosts of EWTN’s “@ Home with Jim and Joy,” shared the immense need for women’s support, especially in their area. Some women come to their center after having searched “abortion near me” on the Internet and finding what could sound like a pro-choice establishment. Some women just see Her Choice listed as a resource center and need to find diapers and clothes for their children. Some women have traveled from other parts of the state because they need to hide their potential pregnancy from their family until they get some answers. But regardless of their intention when they want through that door, Joy says they are treated with the utmost respect and dignity that each daughter and son of God deserves.

Joy told me this year was a record-breaking year for them with so many beautiful things happening. They saw over 1,000 clients, some abortion-minded, and some not; thanks to their counselors, many decided to keep their babies and came back to Her Choice for resources and assistance. They now have 3 sonographers on staff, allowing women to understand the images on the ultrasound machine. Having three sonographers available means more women will hear their baby’s heartbeat, will see their baby’s tiny feet, will choose life after visibly seeing the life growing within them. The national 40 Days for Life campaign stopped by in October on their bus tour, bringing people from all over the state to hear stories of Her Choice and their clients. Their annual banquet brought in 450 supporters, and a woman who experienced five abortions shared her story with each of them. I’ll talk about another exciting addition to the facility later in the post, and it’s likely the most life-changing addition.

About Their Facility

Jim invited me into the main portion of the facility in downtown Birmingham, pointing out their ultrasound machine, their multiple examination rooms where clients are counseled before and after hearing their baby’s hearts, and offices for their staff. They have a room for post-abortion grief counseling, an area for the sexual integrity classes, and a larger area for the Earn While You Learn program, dedicated to providing information about nutrition and health, parenting, and more.

He pointed out a lovely statue of pregnant Mary, Mother of God, where women are encouraged to pray and ask for clarity in their decision making and strength in their choices. While looking at this beautiful statue, I noticed a rolled up piece of paper in Mary’s hand and a basket in front of this statue where people could leave the name of their child. Jim sadly pointed out that they were unsure if many of these babies survived pregnancy, but he hopefully stated that each time he and other staff members pass this area, they offer quick prayers, reminding them of why the center is open: to bring a selfless love to each of these mothers, just like Mary loved Jesus.

Jesus Enters

Even more exciting than the free services and educational opportunities Her Choice shares with their clients is a beautiful chapel in the back of their facility. Beside the counseling room and ultrasound machine, Jesus is present to women who need to run away from this unexpected reality to be present with Our Lord. This was a new addition from June, and Bishop Baker supremely blessed this ministry by allowing the Blessed Sacrament to be present in a tabernacle. Jesus, present in a consecrated host, is therefore always ready to pour His love deep into the hearts of all who enter. As a Catholic, I greatly appreciate this amazing gift that has been given to this facility, this staff, and these clients. A priest even comes to say Mass at Her Choice once a month! What an amazing thing to experience with their staff and clients present that day: Heaven kissing earth, and Jesus as King raining his mercy and love through the Eucharist.

I believe another beautiful gift about this chapel is that it is not just for Catholics. Anyone of any faith are invited to spend time with God there. A non-Catholic counselor told me that working in this ministry, when death is discussed too frequently, can be wearisome and sometimes frustrating. When the counselors feel ineffective or unable to make a difference, they have the opportunity to spend time with our Lord and be comforted by His presence. When women of any faith simply need a quiet place to think, they are invited to spend time here.


I was so blessed to learn of the lives that have been saved through the amazing work at Her Choice. Jim and Joy call the pro-life movement the “most exciting ministry on the planet.” It’s there that women collide with unconditional love, something withheld from far too great a number of people in our world today. Yet even within this ministry, there is still so much loved to be shared and conversations to be had. If you want to learn more about Her Choice, visit their website and see how you can get involved. You can support them by giving at, but more importantly, I hope you are able to reach out to your local PRC–see what wonderful gifts they offer your community and how you can promote the culture of life around you!