Biking for Family
“I believe there are other options besides abortion, and that I have a responsibility to look out for my little brothers and sisters in Christ. We are family. That’s why I ride (along) #forthebabies.” A Blog Post by Celeste
“I believe there are other options besides abortion, and that I have a responsibility to look out for my little brothers and sisters in Christ. We are family. That’s why I ride (along) #forthebabies.” A Blog Post by Celeste
“When I first think of biking, my immediate reaction is not to think that that’s how people evangelize. But B4B has given cyclists a beautiful opportunity to share their passion: to put a seemingly non-religious activity into the midst of the New Evangelization.”
“Despite ourselves pushing through challenges at work, it’s still not enough for some. We are blessed… In fact, Biking for babies is most successful, because it’s not enough for them. There is more good to be done. The spirit of pro-life work doesn’t know ‘nights and weekends.'”
In this first period of formation, the young adults:
With eyes now opened to the need and Christ-centered solutions of problems, these young adults are sent forth as “missionaries” into the rest of the formation program and into the rest of their lives, committing to live with the truth of the Gospel of life as the lens through which they see every relationship, every decision, and the world at large.
In this second period of formation, the missionaries
In this last period of formation, after the National Ride, missionaries