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Stories From the Road

Angel in the Garden

Angel in the Garden

The most important thing our support crew members do is they are present. When our riders are suffering, they are right there physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Being a support crew member is exhausting on so many levels because they take on the suffering of our riders without being able to take their suffering away. That is their mission, to be present and to cultivate communion on the ride. Tell me a more dire mission than that right now in the pro-life movement. Imagine a world where during every hardship a woman ever had to go through, they had their own “angel” to cry with.

Missionaries and Spiritual Warfare

Missionaries and Spiritual Warfare

It’s been said wherever there is the greatest opportunity to do Good in the name of Jesus Christ, there is where the Enemy focuses his greatest opposition.These missionaries are the world changers, the ones who will energize the pro-life spirit in the world. How do we prepare them to withstand the challenges and trials that they will inevitably encounter? How do prepare our team for the ups and downs of the battle for souls?

The Pain of Discipline versus the Pain of Regret

The Pain of Discipline versus the Pain of Regret

So, in my last blog post before our applications close, I want to ask you one last time: will you join us in 2019? Discipline of using our God-given talents and graces is required; it is how we show God we love him and follow his commandments (Matthew 16:24). If your life lacks discipline for the glory of his Kingdom, I may know a few people willing to help.

The Miles Matter: Holy Preparation & Commitment

The Miles Matter: Holy Preparation & Commitment

“God is calling you to prepare your heart for the day when you meet Him face to face. What will He be able to say about your preparation? Will you be like the “good and faithful servant” who has used their talents wisely, or will you hide your talents away, allowing the world to continue on its current trajectory (Matthew 25-30)? The choice is yours…”

Sacrificial Witness: Kevin’s story on why the miles matter

Sacrificial Witness: Kevin’s story on why the miles matter

“It was the first time in my life where my body could not do what I was asking it to do…I pray that you find a way to break free from the comforts this world offers and walk the path Christ invites us to walk. I will say this: if your cross lies with Biking for Babies, I know some very joy-filled people that will help you carry it.” Kevin’s reflection on his first year with B4B and Luke 9:23.