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Stories From the Road

Learning How to Love

Learning How to Love

[On the ride,] I was able to see each of the other missionaries love these women and babies so much that they would make sacrifices, and offer up their time and sufferings to battle the culture of death and work to renew the culture of life. If you want to be able to experience the love of Christ in a deeper way and learn how to put your own needs and desires aside to love others more like Him, then being a Biking for Babies missionary is for you!

What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?

“Looking around I was reminded that the Pro-Life movement will be victorious because nothing can destroy that joy. If the ride was impossible, if asking people for money made me so uncomfortable, and if the daily training and formation was sometimes too much, then why am I now so excited to ride again? Even after the ride, my “why” continues to grow, and after all of the struggles with training and fundraising, the only thing left is joy.”