Because I Can: a missionary story
Joe, dad of three, is a third-year missionary, who rode with Team WI in 2024. Read how his conviction was inspired by Saint John Paul II.
Joe, dad of three, is a third-year missionary, who rode with Team WI in 2024. Read how his conviction was inspired by Saint John Paul II.
When considered in relationship with others, virtue becomes less of a personal badge of honor and more of a beautiful gift to share with our community.
This story is a part of a series of missionary contributions where you’ll hear more about their “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. We interview Monica, a second-year missionary, who served as support crew this summer on the NY Team. Read on!
This story is a part of a series of missionary contributions where you’ll hear more about their “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. We interview Maria, a first-year missionary, who rode from Columbus, OH, to St. Louis this summer. Read on!
Originally signing up as a rider, MN Team Leader Patrick had to pivot roles midseason to a support crew member. His awareness of God’s providence and direction through this year is inspiring. Read on!
We are all called to ‘suffer well’ as missionary disciples. Redemptive suffering is a gift to unite ourselves with the cross of Jesus Christ and have our efforts sanctified.
Applications for pregnancy resource centers for 2025 partnership are open from November 1, 2024 to February 2, 2025.
Originally “The Mike and Jimmy Show,” Biking for Babies has grown to a cultural and national movement. See how it all got started.
God takes our offerings, sanctifies them, and redeems them for His good. How can your gifts be given redemptively?
Missionary Conor reflects on his “why” for defending and celebrating life with Biking for Babies. Conor is a first-year rider missionary from Pennsylvania.
In this first period of formation, the young adults:
With eyes now opened to the need and Christ-centered solutions of problems, these young adults are sent forth as “missionaries” into the rest of the formation program and into the rest of their lives, committing to live with the truth of the Gospel of life as the lens through which they see every relationship, every decision, and the world at large.
In this second period of formation, the missionaries
In this last period of formation, after the National Ride, missionaries