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A Loving Family

Here’s the thing: I’m sitting late at night with everyone in bed, on my third rewrite of this blog–tired, overwhelmed, and with a knot in my shoulder the size of Texas (shout out to Melany and Savanna)! It’s been a crazy past few days and I’m loving it and hating it… every minute of it. The group always talks about how we are a family and today I finally saw why. After today’s ride, on day three, we all sat together for our own private mass and dinner. It was the first time every one of us was together, just talking and laughing. On the road it’s great with all the support and encouragement I get, being a new rider; but off the road, I feel loved. I really do consider these people my family now. God brought us together for a reason and it’s our faith that will push us through to the end. One day at a time, one mile at a time, one pedal at a time, one prayer at a time. God bless my new family.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! Stay tuned for more updates throughout this wild adventure 🙂
