transforming the culture of death to life
Forming Missionaries for Life
Cultural transformation from death to life is possible, if we both grow in personal holiness and also meet the needs of families facing unplanned pregnancies today.
To renew the culture of life, Biking for Babies missionaries (young adults ages 18-39)
- encounter Jesus Christ,
- live the Gospel of life as joyful witnesses in society,
- learn about pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes, and
- pray and raise money for families facing unplanned pregnancies.
Cycling is an adventurous hook and a means for prayer, growth in virtue, public witness, and fundraising.

Young adults learn about the Gospel of Life through virtual small groups and educational and spiritual curriculum, leading them to a lived, personal encounter with Christ, Lord of Life, and understanding of the holiness of every child of God. They are partnered with a pregnancy resource center to recognize this truth in the families served and the need to help these families in order to renew the culture at large.
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Pursuing the discipline of a disciple, both rider and support crew missionaries embark on spiritual and physical training programs, preparing them for the National Ride, a 6-day, 600-mile bicycle ride, a lived experience of sacrificing time and energy on behalf of the culture of life.
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“Biking for Babies was a classroom of joyful redemptive suffering, that facilitated the physical, mental, and spiritual unity with Christ on his cross. I came to appreciate the Gospel of Life more, so I am more greatly saddened by the culture of death and even more invigorated to share that every individual is wondrously made and yet needing to be healed.”

Michael Sparks
rider missionary
Interested in becoming a Biking for Babies missionary?
Check out our interview information and dates!
“I am so grateful that my son has been blessed to grow in God’s love through Biking for Babies…really, we have grown as a family in big and small ways through his participation.”
Kristie M.
Mother of a second-year missionary
“Getting to meet the missionaries and hear about what they do was great. I think it’s just amazing what these people do. It’s people like the missionaries, [my maternity home director], and just everyone who works hard to help mothers like me that have made it possible for me to have the chance to raise my children. I thank God for these organizations that have helped me because I can not imagine life without my son in it now. God bless you.”